Life Time Family Members
Life Time Single Members
Yearly Family Members
Yearly Single Members
Membership Benefits:
** Support Telugu community in Norway. Thereby, directly contributing to increased number of events and networking among Telugites.
** Discounted registration fee for NTA organized event, Visiting parents of NTA members are welcome to attend all events free of cost.
** 5% of each membership fee will be dontated to charity in same financial year. For ex. If you join in 2019, we will donate 5% of your membership few to charty in 2019.
** Opportunity to be NTA board member.
** NTA members can advertise/promote their interest of business in events by having their own business stalls at a discounted price.
** NTA members advertise their own businesses/movies on NTA social media platforms at free of cost.
** Access to special Developmental Initiatives & Community Service Activities in Norway/ India.
** Collaborate with Indian restaurants, bowling centres, swimming centre and other entertainment providing places and give discounts to members (Ongoing)