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Charity – 2017 - Kapil Abhinav

NTA took initiative to collect some funds towards Kapil Abhinav's case.

Case is: Master Abhinav of age 2 needs liver transplantation ASAP. This was a genuine case, where Abhinav is one of our friend's colleague's friend son.

NTA Contribution: NTA collected NOK 10915 and the respective converted amount have been transferred to Abhinav's father account. The total cost for the operation was around 26 lakhs, where he received around 22 lakhs from the Tamilnadu government and the rest from the sources like us.
Abhinav got operated (Liver Transplantation) successfully on May 9th, 2017 and got discharged on June 17th, 2017. Part of the liver was donated by his father himself and at present, both are healthy and back to normal life. Abhinav's health is getting better, day by day and heard that he is back, like a normal kid.

Message from Abhinav's Father to NTA: "Thank you!!! Thank you so much for NORWAY TELUGU ASSOCITION donors and Volunteers who have taken excellent effort to support for my son's Liver Transplantation medical expenses, especially without seeing and talking to me, you all contributed your hard money to save my kid and me. No words to express your support and prayers towards us."

Reference article about this case:

All the images and documents related to this were uploaded to NTA google account
Donor Names For Abhinav Kapil:
Donor Names For AbhinavKapi

Charity – 2016 - Phanindhra

NTA took initiative to collect some funds towards Phanindhra's case.

Case is: Master Phanindar of age 12 future was spoiled because of Doctors negligence and now he is bedridden who is unable to talk and eat with tracheostomy tube to survive. Now Dr.Alok Sharma from BESI Spine and Nuero research center came forward to treat that boy. It needs 3 lakh rupees for each sitting for every 3 months for 2 years.

NTA Contribution: NTA collected NOK 14850 (Rs. 1,15,950, after conversion) and the respective amount have been transferred to NGO organization called "AWAKE", who have been collecting and releasing the funds, according to the requirement. They confirmed that Rs. 15,000 was used towards the food and remaining amount towards the 2nd sitting treatment (each sitting cost Rs.3,80,000), which was scheduled on 12th September 2016.....As per the reports, Phanindra need to undergo 6 sittings, to recover 100%, each sitting is for every 3 months......He is getting recovered month by month…….

Thanks video to NTA, from Phanindra's parent's link:

Latest Health update video link:

All the videos of Phanindra are uploaded to "Bharat PCF" channel in YouTube

All the images and documents related to this were uploaded to NTA google account
Donor Names For Phanindra:
Donor Names For Phanindra